

问:求一篇英语作文,不要太难,围绕 教学能否代替传统课堂教学。我是英语渣,麻烦各位大神了
  1. 答:meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It has often been noted that tho
问: 课程和传统课程优缺点的英语作文
  1. 答:1Learning in the and the tradictional learning are the mon method in our daily study and life.
    2The two ways both have their advantage and disadvantage.
    3Learning in the has the advantage that it brings free time for students to study.
    4Moreover,it can be watched repeatedly, which can deepen the impression.
    5However,it also has the disadvantage that teacher cannot supervise the students'春埋型液哪 study.
    6The tradictional learning supplyes the 's disadvantage, for it has a perfect supervise machism.
    7But it doesn't mean the tradictional's has not ing.
    8It limit the students' freedom and let students'扒猜 be passive.
  2. 答:A couple of years ago, individuals can only take courses at real schools. In other words, only when they go out to schools by themselves will they have lessons which they want to have. However in recent years, with the development of and education mode, online teaching has e mon. This kind of teaching mode means that a student just needs to have classes sitting in front of puter at home, which appealing to lots of people. It is widely acknowledged that online teaching has its apparent merits. First and foremost, shared resources online are accessible to all people, which costs a little at the same time. This featur...
  1. 答:英语作文传统教学教学质量是非常好的 ,新媒体教学教的不深入 不透彻 。
  2. 答:我猜薯觉得新媒体教学应该也就是能够让学生的学习兴趣会更高一些,但是学生的学习效果不一定会比传统教学更好,主要也就是光顾着看一些比较新奇的教学陆兆行早哗,而忘记了真正的学习。
  3. 答:传统教学是指教师在讲台黑板上讲解并辅以黑板板书,学生在座位盯胡乱上听讲与练习的教学方式。它的主要活动是教师依教学进度,把课本内容依序讲解给全班学生听:学生则经由上课专心听讲、练习和课后的温习来熟练课本与教师所讲授的知识内容,必要时教师补充许多教材或经由考试增加许多练习的做困机会。新媒体辅助教学与传统教学相比较具有以下几个优点:(1) 改变了传统教学中粉笔加黑板的单一、呆板的表现形式,能将抽象、生涩、陌生的知识直观化、形象化,激发学生学习兴趣,调动其主动学习的积极性。(2) 使一些在普通条件下难以凯档实现、观察到的过程形象化地显示出来。(3) 增大信息量,有效扩展课时容量,提高教学效率。(4)活跃课堂气氛,加深巩固教学内容,使学生感受到学习的喜悦,寓学于乐。因此,课件的知识表达能力更强,给学生留下的印象更深。
  4. 答:英语作文传统教学过于枯燥,使用新媒体教学可以更好地培养学生的语感。
  5. 答:学生在座位上闷庆听讲与练习的教学方式。它的主要活动是教师依教学进度,把课本内容依序讲解给全班学生听:学生则经由上课专心听讲、练习和课后的温习来和漏熟练课本与蚂棚握教师所讲授的知识内容,必要时教师补充许多教材或经由考试增加许多练习的机会
  6. 答:新媒体方便就拦凯渗在于在任何场所就可以学习英文作文什么的,对于时间也没那么要求严格
    传统英语写作的话对于孙桥时间、地点的限制可能比简脊较强但是传统英语写作可能在学生记忆方面比较 强,而新媒体教学可能就做不到这点,各有利弊吧。
  7. 答:传统教学可能岁枝是老师的一言堂,学生的兴趣比较低,参与课堂的程度也比较浅,而新媒体教学可以很好地调动学生的学习情绪,让学生做学习的主人,只不过可能学到的知识含量,源樱每节雹雀丛课要少一些。
